The thrill of container gardening

I love all my plants but I love creating special container arrangements.

I buy all kinds of containers from metal to plastic. Sometimes I paint the plastic and sometimes I paint the metal. It all depends on what I am going for and where the container will be located.

I love using the technique Spiller, Filler, and Thriller.

This first picture the planter is really full it has two kinds of sweet potato vine the purple and the green, sword fern, coleus, pink polka dot plant, & zebra wandering jew. I love how all the colors bounce off the other plants. This container was a metal water hose container we plugged the hole in the side and you would never know.

The second picture is by the pond outside of the back porch. It has asparagus fern, vinca major, coleus, & zebra wandering jew. This container did not get repainted but I like the worn look on the plastic whiskey barrel.

I have several others that have just a few things in them but these two pictures are my favorite ones.

When planting mixed containers if you want something dramatic-looking try this technique. When you use different colors all the colors pop.

Every space in your yard might require something different to get the look you want. It’s all about using your imagination to create something that is unique.


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