Happy Birthday Dad

Today would have been my Dads 78th. birthday.

My dad was my hero and that will never change.

Memories are something we will always have but my grief is still there. It has been four years since cancer took my dads life.

Happy Birthday Dad I love you!


A little heifer is born

The first calf was born on the farm and she is a registered miniature Hereford heifer named Penny.

She is about 2 weeks old in these pictures and you can tell she is very small. Compare her to the fence post by her mom.

She loves the kids and all the attention she has been getting.


Latest Auction Finds

Well, I was pretty excited this week at my auction wins.

I was able to snag one Himalayan salt lamp with plug, and 8 of the ones that hold tea candles. The regular price would be about $100.00 for them all I got them all for $15.00

Vacuum Sealer bags the kinds you put blankets & quilts in yes I bought some more. This brand is $25.00 a box so this was $125.00 worth of them I got all 5 boxes for $21.00

Breyer Brand Deer set the Mama, Daddy and  Baby these are expensive boogers $45.00 regular price and it included a garbage truck that was made by Interia regular price $37.00 I got both of these things for $8.00

This parts funny a case of green apple now or laters there were 6 packages of 5# packages per box I won two boxes for $5.00 ok that’s 60# of now or laters. I guess I will be giving most of these away. I have no idea the actual cost of a case but let’s assume  $40.00 a box.

A Zero water filter pitcher $37.00 I paid $7.00.

Regular price for all items before taxes was $424.00 and I spent $69.71 & this included tax and buyers premium.

There is nothing better than a good auction or a great clearance aisle. I love my good deals.


Pretty Pretty Horses

I love looking across a pasture and seeing animals being carefree. These horses belong to our daughter’s neighbors.

They love to roll in the dirt and mud just like all other horses and cows.

I try and get a few pictures of them when I can and on this day they were happy eating and posing.



Lung CT

I have been so stressed out the last few months due to the Lung CT I had 3 months ago.

I smoked for many years but quit almost 11 years ago. Smoking always has consequences and I knew this at the time.

It seems I destroyed part of my lungs and have 48% usage of them. The part I destroyed is the alveoli which is the part that mixes the blood and oxygen.

This explains the shortness of breath I have been having and it is caused by Emphysema once you destroy part of your lungs you never get that back again. I rarely cough from this which is a good thing. My dad had this but had a horrible cough to go with it.

On Friday I did the 25 minutes worth of breathing test at the pulmonologist office and found out I have Asthma.

Now I am armed with an Asthma medication and two inhalers that means I am ready to deal with this.

I love spending time outdoors whether it’s working in the yard or walking on trails with nature all around and taking pictures of its beauty. I enjoy bike riding and playing fetch with Miss Daisy I will not give these up because they are all very important to me.

I recently have found a love for making stuff with concrete but now I will wear a mask I should have been doing this before.

Life is full of obstacles that try to stop us from doing the things we enjoy. Never give up on the things that you love doing just make adjustments to fit your new lifestyle.

Nothing can stop you from living life other than yourself.




Bluebell is a full-size Jersey milk cow. She was named after the ice cream and living in Texas it only made sense to name her that.

Our daughter Jeanelle was ready to have a milk cow she wants to learn to make butter, cream, ice cream, and cheese and much more. Bluebell will be having a baby in October.

The first picture was really good timing not that I wanted to see a cow put their tongue up their nose lol.

I love cows big or small they all seem to photograph quite well. Bluebells eyes are just amazing.



That’s Bull

The little farm has added Cecil a miniature registered Hereford Bull.

Talk about cute he is short and stocky and he is like a 600# dog lol.

I was able to get a few good pictures of him and in the background is Darla on the left and Oreo on the right, they are Belted Galloways.



Four years ago today

Four years ago today my dad passed away.

There is not a day goes by that I do not think about him and miss him.

I am grateful that I had him in my life as long as I did. At the same time, I am also glad he does know what I have been through over the last year.

Thank you, Dad, for all the life lessons you taught me because that made me the strong person I am today.

I love you Dad and you are forever in my memories and in my heart!


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