Saving the honey bees

This week’s Daily Post photo challenge is Wish

I wish there was more we could do to save the honey bees.

We plant the flowers, trees, and shrubs that they love to pollinate and we never mow the clover down until it dies. We see a lot of honey bees, bumble bees, and butterflies on our flowering plants.

Through the years my husband and I have kept this in mind when buying plants.

The honey bees are great for our gardens. When we help the bees they help us in return it is a win – win situation for all of us.

Our pasture is an empty field and this time of year the clover pops up everywhere we mow around the clover mounds for the bees. They love the clover and we feel like we’re helping out the honey bee population.

Here are a few pictures of the clover in our pasture. It actually looks nice mowed like this.

There are more clover mounds this year than the last few years but we have had years the entire pasture was solid clover. We are not sure what happened to all of it.

When the clover dies off this year we will mulch it for our garden since it is chalked full of nitrogen and it is very good for your garden and yards.

Through the years we have watched the population of the honey bees decline drastically. I really wish there was more we could do.

We’re not beekeepers we are just concerned about the welfare of the honey bees in our area.




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