DIY Verticle Herb Garden

Verticle gardens are amazing and a verticle herb garden is just perfect.

This would also work great for flowers if someone wanted an accent wall.

I started out wanting to use a pallet but they are too heavy to hang on a wooden fence.

My husband decided he could build me something much lighter but the same sort of concept.

I ordered the fence clips, bought the pots, painted the wood and personalized it for my sister her birthday is today.

My husband came up with the idea of staggering the clips on each row so the water did not flood out the next ones down.

Supply List:

1 x 3 x 6 – 3 pieces

2 x 2 x 8 – 1 piece

Pots clips will work on 4″ -8″ pots – 12 packs on Amazon

Pots – we used 6″ pots for this one  x 11

Accent stones if you want.

We ended up adding two more rows of clips after I took the pictures now it can hold a total of 18 pots.

I ordered more clips because now I want one or two lol.

Having the herbs on a nearby wall outside is so much more convenient.



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