Specialist Update

I went to the specialist’s appt. on Tuesday.
They admitted me to the hospital to get as many tests ran as possible I was released on Friday.

We did a 3D echo of the heart which was the coolest thing I have ever seen. Then a transesophageal echo is also known as a TEE, then a CT of the heart, lungs, and abdomen with contrast and without.

I have a leg doppler later this month and my cardio will discuss if I need a right-left heart cath.

It’s not an emergency that I do the surgery next week but, for my symptoms to go away I have to do surgery. My worst symptoms are dizziness and shortness of breath. Next up would be how worn out I get because of tiredness.

I am not a candidate for a valvoplasty there is too much regurgitation on the valve. I have to have a mitral valve replaced it can not even be repaired.

The surgeon I met with thinks my procedure can be done using robotics and thru the right side of the ribs. This would be a lot less invasive surgery than open heart surgery. He suggests the mechanical valve and coumadin for the rest of my life. With my age, this is the best option.
I already take Coumadin/ Warfarin so that is no change you just have to monitor it closely.

In the hospital, they put me on a Heparin IV drip because my blood was too thick they said a few weeks before surgery I will need to give myself shots in the stomach 2 x a day for a blood thinner. I am not at a therapeutic level at this time. My level is like 1.8 and for surgery, it needs to be between 3.5 and 4.5.

I really like this team of Drs and I love the less invasive surgery which would also mean less recoup time.

I am ready to get back to doing things I love like walking, photography, and playing with the dogs I feel like I have had to take a step back from everything I love. Our house in Livingston is about to be built and I want to be able to enjoy this time in my life.

Right now we are just chilling out about this and will make a decision sometime soon about when we think the best time might be.

Zoee turns four years old

Our little Zoee turns four years old today shes such a little firecracker.

She loves to run as fast as she can, jump for sticks and play in the water hose. When Daisy is around she likes to play keep away but it’s a competition to play fetch together.

She also loves to snuggle up next to you when you are watching tv. There are times when I am at the computer she will come up and lay her head on my leg just to let me know she’s there.

Boxer dogs are affectionate, loyal, and protective.

The beauty of memories

Every year I wait for my 40 + year-old Azalea bushes to bloom.

These were planted due to my grandmother’s love of these bushes she and my grandfather were very special to my sister and me.

This past year I did not cut them back and we did not have a very wet winter needless to say normally those two things mean there will not be a lot of blooms.

This year they have bloomed beautifully and I know it has been years since this has happened.

Plant something that blooms in the memory of someone you loved and cherished and each year it will put a smile on your face because those memories are forever etched on your heart.

The beauty of Texas Sage

Texas Sage is a beautiful shrub I love the color gray/green color of the leaves and the flowers are so beautiful and fuzzy.

Ours keeps growing leggy so I think after it blooms this time I am cutting it way back to make it bushier.

Colors everywhere in the landscape can always put a smile on your face and a twinkle in your eyes.

Zucchini Bread

One of my favorite breads is Zucchini bread and I have the best recipe for it.

It has 2 cups of Zucchini and 1 cup carrots shredded this produces so much moisture that there is no need to add water.

It has a streusel that cooks with it and a glaze for after it cooks.

The gardens Zucchini has done well this year this my 3rd time to make this bread during this gardening season.

I place the two loaves in my cake carrier and it stays fresh.

Good old fashion homemade bread enhanced with vegetables makes the best desert type bread you could ever ask for.

Making suet for the birds

I wanted to make my own suet just because I have never done it before.

All you need is:

Lard 1/2 cup per suet cake

Bird Seed we had chicken scratch its a good mix

Black Oiled Sunflower Seeds



You could cut up some apple in small pieces and add it if you want to.

I used a round meal prep container for a mold but anything plastic would work out great.

We had to buy some lard I have never bought it before everything else we had.

Melting the lard in the meal prep container in the microwave took about 45 seconds but I stirred it a few times.

As far as the quantities of the dry ingredients I just guessed it but used more sunflower seeds.

Combine dry ingredients in a container for mixing then add to the lard stir until all is moistened compact it down with a spoon and freeze.

That is all there is to it.

My Suet holders are HUGE and I guess if you wanted to you could find a deep square container to use for this. Suet spoils in our heat so I figured smaller was better.

DIY Birdfeeder

I love do it yourself ideas and when I saw this on Pinterest I knew I needed a few of these new bird feeders.

I had found a starburst vine wreath on clearance and paid about $2.00 for it. I took off the flowers but you could leave them on there if you wanted. I added twine across the bottom and then placed a terra cotta saucer on top of the wreath. When doing this make sure the wreath is smaller than the saucer because you do not want it to fall through. You really do not want to glue it in place because you need to be able to dump it.

I added twine and a S hook to hang it with and VOILA another bird feeder. I found another smaller grapevine wreath on clearance that will be for one more of these. I am obsessed with birdhouses and birdfeeders.

We hung it up one evening and the next day I saw a mockingbird and the chickadees eating from it. This feeder has chicken scratch feed and black oiled sunflower seeds mixed together. When you have a variety of different seeds or nuggets you will attract more types of birds.

I often see the doves, red birds, blue jays, mockingbirds, wrens, woodpeckers and chickadees eating this seed mixture.

The sounds of nature are so relaxing and every morning the birds serenade as the sun rises and continue to sing or whistle throughout the day.

Taking care of the wildlife is what LIFE is all about.

Early voting is done

Jack and I went mid morning today to early vote.

We walked right in signed in voted and out the door in less than 5 minutes.

Early voting was my solution to limit exposure of so many people and it worked out great.

It does not matter who you vote for just remember to VOTE.

Cricket is 6 months old

Cricket our Cane Corso pup turned 6 months old on August 2nd.

She is starting obedience training on August 10th. This lady will come to our home 2 x per week and work on all her commands and teach her to act like a well-behaved lady.

She is very smart and seems to pick up stuff really fast so I really think this training should work out well for her.

She starts training indoors, then we move to the yard where there are some distractions. As the weeks go on we will move to the park where there are lots of people & distractions. A dog has to be able to focus on commands in all situations.

I feel like she’s probably a 100#s now she grows really fast.

I ordered her an XL kennel and she can stand up in it and sprawl out so this one should be the perfect size for her to sleep in at night. Her collars are 23″ I just bought two new ones for her.

The plastic kiddie pools are not lasting so I think its time we get a galvanized stock tank. I found one that is 2 ft wide x 4 ft long x 1 ft deep for $90.00. Sometimes I catch her in the pool sitting up cooling off and asleep lol.

I will post an update on Cricket’s training during the next month.



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