
This cardinal looking at me was hillarious like he was thinking ” what do you want from me “.

Silverado Sage

I love my Silverado Sage bush and when it blooms it puts on quite the show.

Some people call this shrub Texas Sage.

I noticed the other day 100’s of bees swarming it and this was amazing. I had never noticed this before.

We are looking for some new plants to have for Livingston our son in law raises bees and has about 6 hives.

Natures beauty working together as a team so we can enjoy the view.

Blooms of the trumpet vine

In Texas the Trumpet vine grows wild.

We have some in our yard because Jack found some at work and dug it up.

It is now about 12ft wide on a lattice fence and 9 ft tall. I just love it.

I think this one is called Tangerine Trumpet Vine.

I am hoping to dig some up for the Livingston house I would love to do an arch with it.

They make beans with seeds you can plant but I am impatient and prefer a plant over a seed.

Eastern Blue Bird Bath Party

These Eastern Blue Birds all met at the bird bath they were acting like they all knew each other.

What was so neat is there were all ages of birds the oldest had the most vivid colors the middle aged were starting to get color and the youngsters. The spotted ones are the youngest ones.

I got lucky getting these pictures. I have seen them do this before but they leave before I can get back with the camera.

Texas is in drought and you have to mow your yard when the grass is damp in the early morning just to avoid a dust storm.

Splish Splash the birdies are taking a bath. Fill your bird baths up to help out our feather friends.

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