Potting bench in bloom

The crossvine on the top of the fence runs across the potting bench.

It looked so pretty that I had to grab a picture.

There is something about the junk hanging on the fence boards with the vine as an accent that I really like about this picture.

We call this architectural junk photography.

Heart update

We thought we had the AFIB under control then I went to Bradycardia my heart rate was super low.

It ranged from 42 to 46 beats per minute. What this does it make you feel cold inside your body like you are standing in a freezer. There’s not much blood moving at all.

I saw the cardio on Friday but he had me quit the Amioderane before I saw him.

I started a new script Warfarin to prevent blood clots.

I will see a heart valve specialist at Baylor/ St Lukes’s/ Texas Heart Institute next week.

This will see if I am a candidate for valvoplasty this is to get the AFIB under control. Evidently, my mitral valve is very small it’s stenotic. This makes my atrium very large and this causes too much blood to pool it is like flooding out the atrium and flooding my lungs.

It seems that the AFIB will continue and get worse each time this happens.

I am grateful we are outside of Houston and have access to some of the best Drs in the world. My current cardiologist has always listened to me and my concerns he is a great Dr.

Over the next few weeks there will be a lot more testing on my heart they have to make sure this will do me some good.

I will update you when I have more information to share.

Cici’s Pups x 5

These pups are registered miniature, long-haired dachshunds they are 3 1/2 weeks old.

This is Cici’s litter of 5 and that is a lot for a Dachshunds to take care of. There is a good shade variation in this group.

Shady Acres Leggett is on Facebook for more information on these beautiful puppies. I know there are deposits on a few of them but I have no idea which ones.

I love puppies they are so so sweet.

Afib again

Monday night while watching TV, my throat closed up, and my heart started racing.

I found my Kardio Mobile my cardiologist had me buy and checked my heart rate.

It said AFIB I tried it 5 times and all 5 said AFIB. Off to the ER, we went. This thing is great for anyone that has heart rhythm issues.

I walked into the ER and told them I was in AFIB and they took me straight back this was a good thing because there was about 40 or 50 people in the ER.

My heart raced up to 178 beats a minute then down to 130 back and forth never going below 130. It took 3 IV injections of metoprolol and a digoxin pill to get it down to 120 as time went on slowly by 7 a.m. Tuesday it was in the 70s. I had about 12 hours of fast heart rate, and my whole chest felt bruised.

I developed fluid in my lungs from the afib but they kept me until Wednesday evening and finally I could go home.

They upped my metoprolol dosage and added amiodarone to the mix, so far so good. They said the fluid would go away from the fluid pills it was mild fluid in the lungs caused by being in AFIB. My current heart rate is 57 – 62.

It seems the mitral valve that is already damaged gets worse during AFIB, but when the heart rate returns to normal, the valve returns to its previous state.

I feel okay I have been a little more tired than usual but last time it took me about a week to get over the AFIB episode.

I am thankful I did not have to do cardioversion again and everything turned out okay.

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