Flying Low

We saw this airplane near Bush Airport on Friday the landing gear was already coming down.

We live near the other major airport and the planes have been few and far in between.

I happen to get a picture of this one as it was crossing the freeway using my canon 400 mm lens.

It is great to see some airplanes flying again there is hope this pandemic might end soon.


Rabbit in the grass

We have a very healthy population of wild rabbits.

I found out my brother n law feeds them in the barn and they all run up and gather at his feet. My husband saw this and could not believe it.

They come over here and get in the garden and roam the yard.

The other day 6 or 7 of them stretched across the 2 acres but they were heading to his house 2 acres over from us I think he was running late feeding them.

It was like “Revenge of the Rabbits”.

The beauty of wildlife never ceases to amaze me and getting to photograph it is an added bonus.


Through the grass

When taking a picture you need to decide what you are trying to accomplish with the image.

These two pictures are similar but the first one has the tall grass in focus the second one does not.

Most of the time I prefer the object closest to me to be in focus.



Cricket’s Cherry Eyes

Cricket our Cane Corso pup developed Cherry Eye on Monday.

Two days prior to this her eyes were draining some I thought she had an allergy but that was only until she woke up with her eyes looking like this.

Two of Zelda’s pups have developed this disorder the other one Crickets sibling only has one eye so far and they prefer to do surgery when it’s both.

It looks terrible, her eyes are draining constantly and she can not see looking down very well. I took these pictures on Tuesday of this week. I have been using warm paper towels to wipe her eyes 4 – 5 times a day.

This is very common in the Mastiff breed, Cane Corso, or any dog with loose skin baggy eyes such as a basset hound. They cut and clip to remove the third eyelid that causes this.

A big thank you to Suburbia North Animal Hospital in Houston off FM 1960. She had her surgey on Friday. It was worth the hour drive to find someone who specializes in this.

Cricket is not a fan of strangers so she barked and slightly growled at these people in mask and gloves.  She has a bark that would keep anyone from entering our house and that is a good thing.

So much for curbside pick up I ended up taking her into the vet and putting her in the kennel then I had to go in and get her. My mean puppy.

She whined all the way home feeling sorry for herself we are home now and shes under the desk which is her norm.

She will be 6 months on August 2nd and weighs in at 87#s she towers over Daisy and Zoee.  She runs like a galloping horse she is very mighty just not very fast but she thinks she is.

Our poor little puppy looked so bad with her eyes like this.

Surgery Update:

Surgery went well and she does not have to wear a C Collar YES!

They said eat and drink slowly today due to the anesthesia.

I am enclosing pics of after surgery so you can see how much this was bothering her and how much better she looks. She has stitches in both eyes and they are swollen a little. The eyes are bleeding some but its a very vascular area so this is to be expected and should only last today..

Pet emergencys happen and the fur babies count on us to help them.




Light Rays

Early morning sunrise pictures with silhouettes are one of my favorite pictures to take.

Capturing the sun’s rays through the tree makes the beauty of a new day even more special.


Lazy Day Squirrel

I love my squirrel visitors most of the time when I see them they are in my bird feeders.

Last Friday this one decided to have a rest while he was in the bird feeder. I was 6ft from him and he never budged. He stayed in there for at least 30 minutes if not longer.

On this particular day he was my lazy day squirrel he has done this before but I missed it. The grandkids told me that they saw him in the feeder laying down taking a nap.

This squirrel all laid out reminds me of Fuzzy our pet squirrel our dad brought home to us when we were younger.

When I see squirrels I always think of my dad I know this was his way of reminding me he is always watching over me.



Eye on you

This heifer’s eyes allow you to see her personality.

When she was put in the pasture beside us she was very standoffish, shy, and kept to herself.  She did not even stand with the other heifers.

A few months later I gained her trust and now she is the first one to the fence to greet me.

A heifer’s eyes show you deep into their soul.

When you win her trust that is when you can form a beautiful friendship.


Blooms, Succulents, and Sedums

This is our well shed and I enjoy changing out what’s hanging on the walls.

This was my hanging herb planter but it is now for succulents & sedums. This is on the right side of the well shed from the back. There is a pink crepe myrtle and white plumbago.

On the backside are the window frame, planter box, and stars accented with dianthus, wandering jew, and pink chi – chi bushes.

Chi – Chi’s is a cousin plant to the purple showers which you have seen on my blogs in the past.

On this particular morning, the humidity fogged up my lens so that gives the images a softer look than normal. I was going to redo these pictures but I and decided I liked the look.

I love all the plants blooming in all the colors it makes me very happy.


Sunflower morning

We mix chicken scratch and black oiled sunflower seeds together to feed the birds in our area.

We have all kinds of birds, blue jays, bluebirds, red birds, mockingbirds, woodpeckers, dove, chickadees, wrens, house sparrows, brown head cowbirds, black birds,  black bellied whistling ducks, hawks, buzzards, grackles, crows, & ravens then we have quite a variety of seasonal birds that hibernate in our area for the winter.

This beautiful sunflower glistens in the morning light on the back fence line as it reaches for the morning sun.

There were two bird nest one wren and one house sparrow in my hanging baskets off the back porch. One had baby birds the other had eggs and I did not get pics of either one because birds fledge so fast 12 – 15 days from eggs to flight.

When the bird’s plant seeds for us I think it’s their way of saying thank you for feeding them.



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