Have a great New Year

2017 has been quite a year for me I’ve had to realize that somethings in life change and are never the same again.

When you surround yourself with positive, caring and loving people your life will always be better.

Most of all I have had some really big obstacles to overcome that I have not blogged about yet but I will be blogging about them soon.

I have a great outlook on life and the future and I hope I can inspire others to do the same. We have to live each day to it’s fullest and never let anyone drag you down.

Happy New Years everyone and may this year be bright and wonderful for us all.





Merry Christmas

Jack, Daisy and I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

In the first picture, Daisy was bored waiting for the next treat. The monkey beside her is her new toy for Christmas.

I almost did not get these done this year. My studio is messed up right now and it is to wet outdoors to do pictures. We had to do them in the guest room. The sweater fits her fine but the tee shirt was to tight so we had to skip it.

Be careful if your on the roads traveling this weekend. Enjoy your time with your family, friends and most of all your pets.



Simple things

Sometimes life gets complicated and we just need a little time to breathe. We need time to concentrate on the simple things.

I am still taking a break from blogging for right now but will check in every now and then. I will do my best to visit your blogs when I can.


Snow in Manvel, Texas

Today Daisy and I were up early actually it was about 2:00 a.m.  I woke up first and that always wakes her up.

I went to let her outside & noticed we had a little surprise last night it had snowed.

We maybe get snow flurries one time every 5 years or so but it never sticks to the ground.

Needless to say, I took phone pics, tablet pics, and camera pics.

I grabbed a few to post on here.

This cowboy fella I found on clearance last year for $15.00 I think he is adorable and he sits on the front porch with my winter stuff but I had to grab a picture of him in the snow.





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