Happy Thanksgiving

Today we give thanks.

I am grateful for my husband, our home, and our family that chooses to be in our lives.

I am grateful to our close friends.

As you get older you will notice your inner circle gets smaller but those in it are more special than ever.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone please stay safe on the roads and have a great weekend.





Some recently bought calves from an auction moved from across the street from us to next door.

See those ear tags with numbers those are from an auction. Many of these numbers are in a row so I think that would mean from the same person herd of cows.

I love having cows next door it has been a long time since this has happened.

Daisy is not quite sure yesterday she ran at the fence with her ball in her mouth thinking she could scare them. They stood their ground and she went on her merry way lol.

These girls are quite friendly they come to the fence to talk to me and some let me pet them. They seem to like to take pictures.




Lysol Laundry Sanitizer

I like our house and our laundry to have a clean smell.

About 6 months ago I found this great new product by Lysol it is a laundry sanitizer. It is just like the brown bottle of Lysol and kills 99.9% of bacteria.

This has a crisp linen smell and is very pleasant but not overpowering.

I order it from Amazon and get the 90oz regular price is $10.33 with the coupon of $2.00 off I get it for $8.33.

Since I have Amazon Prime my shipping is free and normally I get this product in 2 days.

This product works great on stinky tennis shoes, sweaty work clothes, dog bedding, sheets, bedspreads, curtains, and towels.

On the shoes, I pour a little into the shoe unless the insole comes out and if so I pour it on the insole.

I love to share great news about new products that actually work.

If you are a person who loves the smell of clean fresh laundry this is a great product to try.


Shadows from Harvey

Hurricane Harvey left behind scars for many people as well as nature.

Our favorite park finally reopened Tuesday it has been closed since the hurricane. Brazos Bend State Park in Needville, Texas it is located on the Brazos River and it floods.

There are lines across everything showing the watermarks of the flood waters. It is as if someone penciled in a shadow across everything.

The tree trunks appear darker on the lower area. The swamp brush even had its shadows. My favorite walking trail was now blemished by shadows.

We only saw four gators throughout our hike that was disappointing, to say the least.

It just takes time for things to return to normal again after something like this.

This was a park record for flooding they had even put up signs.

Brazos Bend2
Brazos Bend3
Brazos Bend

More Mushrooms

Every time after a rain we have mushrooms pop up and it is always in the same spots in the yard.

Sometimes it is those little tiny ones and sometimes it is these. Since I am not a mushroom expert I have no idea what kind they are.

They say if you pull them up by the root they will not come back this is NOT true I have done that numerous times.

I love trying to photograph them at different angles but it is honestly hard to capture their true beauty.




Thirty nine years

Today 39 – years ago my husband and I were married.

We have raised four children, two boys, and two girls.

We have seven grandchildren. Two boys and five girls.

Life moved along so fast with the children and we were busy all the time with their activities. Sometimes it felt like there was no time to even breathe.

I love our life, our home and the time we have spent together. I love our projects we tackle that keep us so busy and challenge us.

The last anniversary picture I did was at 35 years so I might do another one.

Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband I love you forever and always.

DIY Coffee Filter Wreath

Using the tan colored coffee filters, a flat styrofoam wreath and some hot glue I was able to create this beautiful wreath.

I poked a writing pen into the styrofoam then I added hot glue to the hole twisted the end of the filter and poked it in. I did burn my fingers a lot so be careful.

I attached some burlap ribbon for hanging it.

This was a 14″ wreath and it took about 200 filters. Buy more than you will think you will need because you have to do the outside of the front, the front and the middle inside just not the back.

I had less than 2 hours in the project and it is like a big pile of ruffles.

I truly enjoy making stuff that does not take me forever to do.






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