Possum Sketch

Tuesday morning it was raining again and I noticed the cat looking at something out the french doors so I decided to check it out.

In the pasture was a young possum. It was raining so I could not venture too far out with my camera but I grabbed a few pics and they were all blurry. This is what happens when you are trying to hurry.

Frustrated I started playing with sketches and I was able to I turn this one into a possum sketch.

They are not the prettiest of animals and sometimes a bit scary looking but I try to appreciate all the things I get to take pics of.

4 thoughts on “Possum Sketch

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      1. Yes, I was trying to post a picture of a possum and her babies. Possum’s are some scary looking creatures but they are some of the most important parts of keeping this creation as clean as we enjoy it. The ants are pretty hard workers as well. We live in a heck of a world so much beauty all around us and we tend to get to busy to admire it.


      2. I agree Doug,I bet that pic was great. To post on here you have to have the pic somewhere online then you can post the link.

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